┌------------------------------------------------------------------------------┐ │ HOMEPAGE │ └------------------------------------------------------------------------------┘ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ │ │ SNEAKY STORY │ │ │ │ │ | SneakyStory is a Chrome AND Firefox extension that allows | | you to not appear in the "Who Viewed My Instagram Story" list | | of everyone's Instagram stories. | | | | "This extension only works on chrome based web browsers." -cit. | | | | Tested on: | | - Brave 1.20.108 (Chromium: 88.0.4324.182); | | - Brave 1.24.84 (Chromium: 90.0.4430.93); | | - Firefox Nightly 99.0a1 (2022-02-11) (64-bit); | | | | Chrome Installation: | | - [ Download the folder with the files ] | | - Go to chrome://extensions/ | | - Enable "Developer mode" | | - Click on "Load Unpacked" and select the downloaded folder | | | | UPDATE (11-02-2022) | | Since Google switched to Manifest V3, I've ported the extension to | | Firefox cus it keeps supporting Manifest V2. | | | | Firefox Installation: | | - [ Download the folder with the files ] | | - Create a .zip file containing the downloaded files | | - [ Download Firefox Nightly ] | | - Go to about:config | | - Change xpinstall.signatures.required to false | | - Go to about:addons | | - Drag and drop the .zip file in the page | | - Click Add | | | | Usage: | | - After the installation just click on the | | extension's icon to activate it. | | - If the icon turns green: the blocker feature is activated | | and nobody will see your account in their list | | if you see their story. | | - To disable the blocker just click on the extension's icon. | | | | Each time you open the browser enable and disable the blocker | | a few times to reset the status and to allow the extension | | to work properly. | | | └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘

"I will not port the extension to other browsers." -cit.